How I Got Over – My Amazon Must Haves for Year One of Motherhood

I can’t believe Duke is a year old already! This past year has gone by so fast and we’ve made so many memories that I will cherish for a lifetime.

There were many things that got me through this first year as a new mom – namely prayer, but also a few must have products that are either one time buys we still use, or are items requiring replenishment that we keep on rotation.

Below are some of my favs!

EGREE Baby Changing Table

I absolutely LOVE this Changing Table. When Duke was first born, I was so intimidated by how tiny he was. My mom was able to comfortably place him in her lap to lotion him down and put on his pajamas after a bath but I was like no ma’am, imma need something to lay him on to do all that! This was the perfect solution! It has a front pocket where you can store diapers, ointments, lotions, cream and anything else you need, It also has a safety strap to fasten across your baby but you of course should never leave them unattended on it, and it comes with wheels so you can move it around freely should you need to. Another plus is that you can collapse it when not in use which is a space saver.  We still use it to lotion and dress Duke after bath time and for just about all of his diaper changes. His dresser has a changing table on it that we’ve never used! We always default to this one – it really was a great buy! 


Little Remedies Saline Spray/Drops and Growns Baby Nasal Aspirator 

On days when Duke’s nose is runny due to allergens or for whatever reason baby’s noses get runny, I turn to Little Remedies Saline Drops and Growns Baby Nasal Aspirator. There is not much in the way of medicine that you can give to infants and once when Duke was about 6 months old, I took him to the doctor on a whim because he was making a weird sound while eating almost like he was trying to catch his breath. The doctor informed us that it was post nasal drip and advised to use saline solution. I was ahead of the game as I had proactively purchased both of these products in case of any congestion or runny noses at any point. It was nice to have the saline drops as an option to give him some relief. The aspirator I love because it’s battery powered and does the suction without you having to pump a bulb. It also has varying levels of suction power depending on need, and lights up and plays music so it’s not such a scary process for a baby. It’s easy to use and does the trick to remove unwanted mucus. The only downside is clean up but there’s no getting around that with any aspirator! 

Lambs & Ivy Jungle Safari 100% Cotton White/Gray Elephant/Lion Fitted Crib Sheets

My mom turned me on to the Lambs & Ivy brand. We have a set of bumper guards in Duke’s crib from them and their Jungle Safari fitted sheet compliments the set perfectly! Duke is a hot box and often sweats when he sleeps but because this 100% cotton sheet is breathable, he is able to comfortably nap in his crib without getting overheated. I am here for anything that helps my sweet boy get a good nap! That means a little piece and quiet and possibly a nap for Mama to! 

NUK Large Learner Cup, 10 oz, 2 Pack

We used bottles for the first few months of Duke’s life. His teeth came in early and he had several by the time he was 7 months old. Because he had teeth and so many of them, my sister-in-law turned me on to these NUK Learner Cups.  Cups such as these are better for baby’s teeth once they start coming in and these are great for transitioning a baby from a traditional bottle. We still use these to give Duke his milk or juice. They are made for transitioning so if your baby can hold his/her bottle, they will have no trouble at all managing with these learner cups. As an added bonus, these learner cups come in a few different patterns and designs so you can choose the look that best matches your baby’s swag.

Miss Fong Diaper Bag Backpack 

There are so many options when selecting a diaper bag and a lot of them offer the same or similar features. As a result, narrowing it down came down to which one achieved the look I was going for and this Miss Fong Diaper Bag Backpack foot the bill. I love the classic black color and gold chain accessories – very reminiscent of Chanel. This bag is classy and it upgrades the notion of having “diaper bag.” It has compartments for must have baby items and is durable which is a must for a bag needed to move around with a baby! A designer diaper bag is cool, but I opted for something a bit more practical since it’s used to tote around items that could potentially be messy like baby food and bottles.  I sincerely feel like a swaggy mom and get a lot of compliments when I carry this bag. 

VTech Sit-To-Stand Learning Walker

I got Duke the VTech Sit-To-Stand Learning Walker for Christmas. He was six months old at the time and was walking at 9 months – I’m just sayin’ :). Now I don’t know if everyone would achieve the same result with learning to walk that we did, but I do think this walker was a good investment. Babies can push it like a cart, and the front of it has interactive, educational games and songs that allow a baby to play with the walker as a toy as well. The front also detaches so it can be taken as a toy on the go if needed. Duke and I have so much fun going over shapes and colors with this toy.

HILENBO Car Seat Toys

Okay, how cute is this little car seat toy? You wrap it around the car seat handle or the front of the stroller and your baby can play with the little hanging toys on it while they ride in the stroller or car seat. It’s a great way for babies to develop fine motor skills and to be entertained while on outings. This one even plays music which Duke absolutely loves as I am sure any baby would! This was of course totally new to me as a new mom, but I think it is so cute and so creative! 

Playtex Diaper Genie Clean Laundry Scent Refill Bags, with Max Odor Lock™ 

I think it’s no secret that babies go through A LOT of diapers. That said, a Diaper Genie and its primary accessory, the Playtex Diaper Genie Refill Bags are must haves. It feels like every time I turn around my husband is changing the bag in the diaper Genie so we keep the refill bags on replenishment! Having a dedicated place to keep dirty diapers keeps the smell contained and so does the MaxOdor Lock protection these bags provide. 

Pampers Pure Protection Disposable Diapers and Pampers Sensitive Water Based Baby Wipes

Babies obviously need diapers and wipes – like a lot of both so we keep Pampers Pure Diapers and Pampers Water Based Wipes on replay! I love that these diapers are not made with potentially harmful ingredients (hence the “pure” in them) and that they are plant based. I’ll admit we’ve had the occasional overnight leak when Duke goes longer stretches without a diaper change but for the most part Pampers Pure holds him down! They also have the stripe that changes from yellow to blue when the baby wets so you know when it may be time for a diaper change and they are enriched with Shea butter – I love shea butter! Duke knock on wood has not had a diaper rash to date! It’s pretty much ditto on the wipes. They are water based so they are not made with perfumes or all the yucky stuff that go into some baby wipes. They also have a nice cloth like texture making them easy to use to wipe baby clean. It is so reassuring to know that I am using products on my baby that I can feel good about – especially something like diapers and wipes which are used so frequently and result in constant exposure. I mean come on, he wears a diaper 24/7 so I want it to be one that is responsibly made and doesn’t expose him to chemicals unnecessarily.  

On another note, this first year of motherhood wasn’t all about the baby – I mean it was mostly but not all! There were a few things made just for me that helped me get through it as I tried to find a balance of taking care of myself and the baby. Here are a few must haves just for mamas! 

TIRAIN Postpartum Belly Band 3 in 1 Post Pregnancy Support Band

I still wear this Postpartum belly band from time to time to help pull my stomach in. It has taken me just about this entire first year to lose most of the weight I gained during pregnancy and this really does help with belly flattening. I could be further along on my health/weight loss journey but hey, I love key lime pie, cookies, French fries and the list goes on. This has however helped me to see almost instant results when it comes to pulling my belly in. f

BAOSHA HB-14 Canvas Travel Tote and Ekouaer Pajamas Set 

Okay, so I am of the opinion that every new mother should take some time for a getaway even if only for one night! I know it’s hard to leave the baby, believe me I do but it will be worth it when you return rested and rejuvenated! My first overnight stay (minus that stint in the hospital due to my blood pressure) was for a woman’s conference my church was hosting. Duke was about 4 months old. My first inclination was just to attend the evening session and then go back home but my mom encouraged me to stay overnight and attend the next day’s session as well and I am glad she did! To create an experience around my “mommy getaway,” I bought a new overnight bag and new pajamas. It just really helped me feel good about the getaway overall and get back to myself as I navigated life postpartum. This Canvas Travel Tote and Pajama Set did the trick for me. The tote is stylish and really elevated my overnight bag game. It’s a compliment to my style and I received a lot of compliments on it. The pajamas? Can you say Claire Huxtable vibes? They are classy and make you look and feel put together yes even for bedtime. They are also super comfortable which is so important for a new mom in need of a good night’s rest! They are a great alternative if you love the similar Nordstrom brand pajama set but are looking for a version that’s a little easier on the pocket book. 

I hope this is helpful for some new mom, existing mom, or anyone looking for recommendations for moms. Let me know if you try any of these products and what you think of them. Happy Shopping!



Mrs. O


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