Cause I Slay

Good ol’ May! The month we celebrate graduates, pull out our open toe sandals, welcome new flowers, and celebrate mothers. Speaking of which, it’s crazy to me that I will be joining the ranks of so many wonderful women who bear that title. 

In the spring/summer of 2020, as an act of faith while in Target I bought booties for a baby girl in pink and for a baby boy in gray because I was believing God for boy and girl twins. When I got home, my husband just shook his head. He didn’t know what to think but I could tell that he understood my gesture. Then one day later in the summer, my twin Farrell texted me about a dream that I was pregnant with a little boy. My reply was that I was believing God for twins when the time came for us to start a family but hey, I received it! Whatever God has for me is best. If it was a little boy then so be it! 

Fast forward to almost a year later and I am indeed pregnant with a little boy! I found out I was pregnant on October 20, 2020. My pregnancy was not exactly planned so I was a bit surprised at the timing of the news but God’s faithfulness blows my mind as I do consider this a prayer answered. God always knows best and all things work according to His plan! Pregnancy has been quite a journey and a bit of a roller coaster at times but I know it will all be worth it when I get to meet my son. 

In preparation for his arrival, I have taken a few online parenting classes on Tiny Hood and am doing all I can to prepare my body for child birth mentally (through affirmations and prayer), physically (regularly riding my stationary exercise bike), and emotionally (by outlining for my emotional support people what my needs are during the birthing process). 

I was also gifted for Christmas with the book Slay Like a Mother: How to Destroy What’s Holding You Back So You can Live the Life You Want by Katherine Wintsch which has been a lifesaver in terms of my thought process around what being a mother means and making the choice to not suffer in motherhood although the struggle is real. It’s about slaying that dragon of self-doubt and disbelief as a mother and in reading it you can call me Heracles cause I am slaying my dragons left and right! I’d highly recommend all my fellow mamas (and mamas to be) check it out: 

Here’s to being the best mom I can while not comparing myself to any other mother or having unrealistic expectations of what makes a mother great! I am looking forward to this journey and am confident that God will lead and light my way in navigating how to be the mother He would have me to be to my son. With Him I can and so can you!

P.S. My husband and I took pictures to celebrate the upcoming birth of our son. I’ve shared a few of my favorites below. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do! 


Mrs. O  


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