Happy New Year!

Making 2023 the Year for Me!

It’s crazy to me how fast time is going! It seems like only yesterday that I was giving birth and now it’s already the year 2023 and Duke is a year and a half old!

I have decided to make this year one of my best yet! It’s the last year of my thirties and to commemorate, I’ve created a list of 40 (well I’ve got about 38 so far) things to do before I turn 40.

I saw a meme on Instagram that emphasized approaching this year with how you want it to feel rather than things to do so I decided to make this concept my own by still creating a list, but basing that list off of how I wanted this year to feel for me.

I decided that I want this year to feel luxurious, cultured, joyful, relaxing, healthful, and expansive. As a result, I’ve got things on my list from visiting spas in Houston I’ve never been to to eating at new restaurants, taking trips, tours, and also learning new things.

Also, since this is the year of getting unstuck for me, I recently created a digital download planner to help me and others who feel similarly. Being a new mom is sometimes quite overwhelming especially when trying to maintain a blog and work full-time. The Get Up and Get Unstuck Planner I created is designed to help with weekly, monthly, and quarterly goal planning as well as to help just keep up with day to day tasks.

The planner is available right here on the blog site for download and I hope it serves anyone who needs it in the way that it was intended.

Join me in making this year a great one! I am feeding my faith and abandoning my fears in an attempt to live more fully. It’s scary but nothing happens if nothing happens.

Cheers to a healthy, prosperous, and bomb 2023. Ya’ll won’t recognize me when this year is over!!

Mrs. O

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