The Oten Crew Summer Recap

With the passing of Labor Day and the entrance of pumpkin spice season, summer it seems is officially over.
There is something I love about each season and summertime is no different. I can do without the heat, but summertime for me is synonymous with summer fashions (mine arrived the day after we left for our trip ugh!), summer jams (que Will Smith’s Summertime), vacation, and of course longer days which means more time with family and friends. Although it flew by, the Oten crew had a great summer 2024.

In June, we celebrated Duke’s 3rd birthday as a family at the Downtown Houston Aquarium. It’s close to home and Duke likes animals so I thought he’d enjoy an experience at the attraction. I was partially right. He was not as enthused about it as I would’ve hoped which in part is just Duke. He is not big on being around people and seemed a bit like a fish out of water (pun intended) when we first got there. It helped that my mom brought my nieces. He loosened up once other children were in the mix. We walked through the attractions and saw the animals then we went outside and rode some of the rides. It was hot! Afterwards we had lunch in the restaurant, sang happy birthday and cut the cake. His Paw Patrol cake didn’t turn out as I had hoped design wise, but it tasted good. The birthday boy was pooped and asleep in my arms by the time we were done. Overall we had a good time, but not sure if I had it to do over again that we would’ve gone here. We would’ve either gone to the aquarium in Galveston, or to Chuck E Cheese which Duke loves! But hey, mama tried.

In July, we went as a family on a cultural youth trip to Washington DC and NY with our church. The trip coincided with Duke’s summer break from his school’s summer program so it worked out perfectly!
The itinerary was filled with so much Black culture and Black history and I was here for every bit of it. We started out in D.C. and traveled by bus to Morgan State University which is an HBCU. There we attended a presentation, toured the campus, and had lunch. Fun fact, where the campus sits now was actually a stop on the Underground Railroad. I love the parallel between the freedom that comes from an education and the freedom the Underground Railroad helped secure for our ancestors. How empowering and what a great homage to our ancestors that one of the places they hid on their journey to freedom is now an institution of higher learning for their posterity. Slaves could not be educated and now one of their hiding places is a place designed for the education of Black people. What a reclamation of power!
We also on this trip visited the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture. I have been trying to get to this museum since it opened and am so grateful that I finally got my chance. The exhibits were amazing and there is so much to take in that I need a few return trips to really absorb it all. My favorite parts were the exhibits highlighting Black contributions to television, film, style, and fashion.
We also visited the Capital, the Martin Luther King Memorial, The Apollo Theater, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, and….drum roll please….MJ the Musical on Broadway. It has been on my bucket list to attend a Broadway show on Broadway for years now and I finally got to do it! It was such a moment for me. The musical itself was amazing and I am beyond thankful that I got to experience it.

Pictured above are some snapshots from our trip. Our visit to Morgan State, the MLK Memorial, and the Apollo Theater. As you know, I love museums, so I had to feature some shots from the National Museum of African American History & Culture! Starting with images and a quote from Alvin Ailey. I absolutely love watching the Alvin Ailey dance company perform and so admire him and his legacy. I also included Johnetta B. Cole’s inaugural robe from Bennett College where she served as president. She was also the first female president at Spelman and is one of my sorors. I heard her speak at a commencement when I was a little girl (she was the president of Spelman at the time). I love that her regalia included African inspired symbols and also stanzas from Maya Angelou’s poems “Phenomenal Woman” and “And Still I Rise.” The quote about style I just love because (and no disrespect to other ethnic groups) it’s a celebration of Black people in contrast to the marginalization we often face. Last but not least, I had to include pictures of my bucket list experience on Broadway. 

We wrapped our summer with a late August Labor Day weekend celebration of my niece Blythe’s birthday. It was a pool party complete with good food and of course birthday cake. Being in the pool was a perfect way to beat the heat. Duke loves the water so much he did not want to get out even after swimming for hours. I love spending time with my family and it’s so enjoyable watching children play and just be carefree. They also sleep real good after some fun in the sun which is a plus for parents :). 
Now that Summer’s a wrap, and school has been back in session for a few weeks, we are back to our regular routine of ironing uniforms, helping with homework, and trying to stick to a bedtime schedule.
That’s what seasons do, they change.
By God’s grace, I am looking forward to what fall will bring. I am believing for great things for me and you.
Mrs. O

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