Welcome Baby Duke!

We welcomed Baby Ellington-Emmanuel or “Duke” as we call him on 06/15 at 9:15pm and couldn’t be happier to have him! God has truly blessed and smiled on us by adding him to our family!

I detailed some of this in an IG post, but unexpectedly my water broke around 1:15 on the morning of 06/15. I had just gone to bed sometime after midnight. June 14 had been a long day of work and doing last minute prep for baby Duke (yes I was still working, my last day of work was scheduled for 06/15 and I was scheduled to go in for an induction of labor on 06/16).

Things I wish I knew and was better prepared for: 1. Put a plastic liner on your bed in case your water breaks while you’re sleeping (mine broke all over the Sleep Number but thank God the Sleep Number bed comes with a great mattress cover) and 2. Have some Depends on hand just in case. I literally drip dropped drip drippity dropped amniotic fluid all the way out the house and to the hospital.

My husband and I pretty much had our bags packed just threw in a few last minute items (he also called my parents to let them know that it was game time) and we left for the hospital. When we arrived through the ER entrance, my husband valeted the car and true to form had a whole conversation with the lady at check-in. Meanwhile I’m tapping my foot in the background like um “ don’t mind me, I’m just in labor here guys” (remember I’m drip drop drip drippity dropping still). Honestly I was so annoyed. I was wet and uncomfortable and it was the middle of the night so I was tired. I totally understand why the ladies in labor on tv patience is short!

The check-in process at L&D was smooth and I was put into a temporary holding room where I was gowned, Covid tested and they began checking my vitals and putting the IV hook up in my arm. The doctor on call was super nice and turns out I was familiar with her from my OB practice’s IG page and the cord blood webinar I had attended about a month before giving birth. We also bonded over being Sorors so I became super relaxed and just began to feel very reassured about the birthing process. Given the maternal mortality rates of women of color, I needed this reassurance although I also knew I was safe as above all I was in the Lord’s hands.

The nurse who took me up to my room was super cool and we clicked instantly! She got off at 7am but I liked her so much I asked if she could come back that evening when she returned to work and she did and was actually there for the birth. Same with the nurse who came in at 7am. She was so cool and took such good care of me! She held me and talked to me during the epidural, was very personable, and displayed a level of competence that made me feel secure.

Speaking of an epidural! When I arrived at the hospital, I kept asking them why I wasn’t in pain. I mean I was thinking I was supposed to be having one of those tv “how far apart are the contractions moments” right away but I didn’t which the nurses explained to me was completely normal. But believe me when the pain came it came!! It was around 5 or 6am. I was finally in a room and had laid down and bay-bey!! I began tossing and turning at the discomfort of labor pain (meanwhile hubs is knocked out snoring on the couch in my room). I couldn’t get comfortable and just felt sick to my stomach at the intensity of the pain. I was trying to hold out for a while (why I don’t know) but my morning nurse convinced me that it was ok to go ahead and get the epidural. I conceded around 8am and got the epidural sometime that hour or maybe close to 9. Hubs had to leave the room for the epidural and took it as an opportunity to have him a good ol hot breakfast while I was relegated to only popsicles (and not the good kind) and fluids. He did make up for it later though by going down to the cafeteria after the baby was born and getting me a hamburger and french fries. He of course had made friends with the kitchen staff so the cook seasoned the food and hooked it up for me. It meant so much to a hungry mama who had not eaten in more than 24 hours.
The day after witnessing child birth, my husband bought me flowers to show his appreciation. Note my hair is wrapped because – frizz!!!

But back to the epidural. God bless the inventor!  After getting it, I was able to relax more and tried to rest as much as I could between doctors and nurses coming in and out. My mom came around mid day and stayed until well after the baby was born probably until around midnight. She is hilarious on the birthing videos my husband shot by the way! I wish I could share with y’all so you can hear her but they are much to graphic lol!

As I dilated more and more, and the baby began to crown, it became time to push which was around 8pm or just sometime after. I couldn’t really feel as much on the lower half of my body because of the epidural but I just followed the directions of the doctors and nurses. When they affirmed that I was pushing correctly by telling me that I was doing good I just kept doing more of that. It was such a weird feeling! My legs felt heavy and the nurses had to lift them into the stirrups because I had no control due to epidural. I had some breakthrough pain early on in the pushing stage and vomited as a result. My mom then takes a wet towel to wipe my face but wipes my hair instead when I asked if the vomit had gotten in my hair which it had not. I as a result had a curly frizzy bush on one side of my head during labor. I knew I shoulda kept my hair wrapped!!

Anyway, I labored on with my siblings, mother in law and grandmother in law on the phone/FaceTime rooting me on, and my husband and mother in the room (along with a gang of hospital staff that swooped in when I started pushing). My doctor even made it just in time to deliver the baby. She was not working at the hospital that day so one of her partners had been checking in on me and was delivering the baby until it turned out she’d be able to make it after clinic. When she arrived she took over but her partner remained in the room and backed her up. I thank God for His grace, mercy, and favor which was on full display the day Duke was born!

Duke and my doctor, Dr. Steele
At 9:14pm after pulling up on the bars attached to the bed while pushing at the direction of the doctors and suffering a 2nd degree tear I was told not to push and to hold on. The next thing I knew, at 9:15pm my doctor placed the skinniest little waist into my right hand and excitedly announced, “congratulations, here’s your baby!” It was such a surreal moment. Meeting Duke the little guy I had been dreaming about for months for the first time – wow! I was overwhelmed and there was so much going on that I honestly don’t think I was truly in the moment at the time of Duke’s birth. I’ve had to relive much of it through the videos my husband took but I do remember thinking “wow, he’s finally here, I love him so much.”
Duke only minutes old
One thing that remains crystal clear from my birthing experience though is my husband’s grandmother reciting the 23rd Psalm over the phone once the baby was born. A hush came over the room. I mean the staff and everybody stopped in their tracks at the beauty of her recitation of this popular passage of scripture. Believing God’s word is true, I hold this number of Psalm dearly and look forward to teaching it to Duke and encouraging him to do the same!
Time to go home. Duke’s coming home outfit.

And on that note, I think that’s a good way to close. The Lord is my shepherd and with this and His many other blessings my cup runneth over indeed! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Mrs. O

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