Back-to-School Daze

It’s hard to believe it’s already time for back-to-school! Where did the summer go? Since Duke is in school year-round, we didn’t have much to do to prepare for the official start of school, but we did refresh a few key accessories in his wardrobe.

For example, I found this cute little jacket at Zara (below) for him to take to school since it’s so cold in his classroom due to the air conditioning. I hadn’t bought him anything from Zara before, but my mom and I popped in there on our back-to-school shopping trip and ended up seeing quite a few things that we liked. This jacket was so reasonably priced especially for what a two-year old is going to put it through, so I was all in for this purchase!

We also got Duke a couple new pairs of shoes to start this new school year. He like I am sure most kids is hard on shoes! It was time due to the wear of his existing shoes and also it turns out his foot has grown since the last time we bought shoes, so I am glad he now has better fitting shoes for his growing feet.

Duke on our recent back-to-school shopping trip.

As I contemplate Duke’s official start of a new school year, I not only think about buying needed clothes and supplies, but I am also reflective of what I’ve learned over this first year of being a new parent with a child in school.

One of my primary take aways besides to expect sickness from little kid germs is to keep the line of communication open with Duke’s teachers and the staff at his school.

I struggled with this at first because I didn’t want to be that mom that was always asking questions or that always had an opinion. I know the teachers and staff at my son’s and at many schools work very hard and I didn’t want them to feel like I didn’t recognize that or that I was taking them and their many years of experience working with children for granted.

What I’ve learned however is that as with any type of relationship communication is key. These professionals appreciate parents who communicate and participate in their child’s education in a way that adds value and is helpful. I also own the right to speak up about my child and provide any feedback or ask any questions I may have. Afterall, as his parent I am Duke’s advocate. It’s all about how you move that makes a difference. Like the old adage goes “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” It’s fortunate for us that there are great teachers and staff at his school who love and care for him so it’s easy to have a great parent/teacher relationship. Now of course if something egregious happened or if for some reason this was not the case then mama would have to go there, but I know overall there is no need. I am glad that I have the privilege of selecting a great school for my child to attend so that I can have full trust in his well being while he is in the school’s care.

Working with his teachers and understanding what I can do as a parent to help make their job easier helps to ensure optimal outcomes for Duke, so it is a win-win. Besides, anything I can do to help someone who so graciously teaches two-year olds all day I am willing! Talk about a task!

Duke last year on his very first day of school. It amazes me how much he’s grown since then.

God bless all of the teachers and students out there and here’s to a great, safe, productive, and knowledge filled 2023-2024 school year!

Until next time…


Mrs. O

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