Fallon and his son Duke

Mrs. O’s State of the Union Address

I wanted to take this time to give a state of the union address.

The state of my motherhood union that is.

I’m two years in the motherhood game as you all know and it’s honestly a roller coaster!

In some ways, I will be crushing it!

The areas I have or am getting down pat are:


There is no doubt in my mind that Duke knows I love him. Not only do I tell him, but I show him. I of course have my moments, but I am committed to breaking unhealthy patterns of my past so that Duke grows up in an emotionally healthy environment. We laugh and play together and the way he freely expresses himself when he’s with me, I know I’m a safe space for him. 


If you know me, then you know that health and beauty are my jam! I believe in being groomed and love a good beauty product, soap, body oil, hair product, the list goes on and on. It’s only right then that I pass this value on to my son. He gets regular haircuts, I iron his clothes for the week, and we have morning and evening cleansing and grooming rituals for him. Gotta make sure Duke is his very own get fresh crew and that his appearance shows that he is loved and cared for.

Duke’s Haircut Day

Duke’s Birthday Party Set-Up

Attention to detail/Creating Experiences

I love participating in occasions and making things nice and paying attention to detail. We nailed Teacher’s Appreciation Week at school and have you seen pictures from Duke’s birthday parties? I’m all over it! I plan to create really cool experiences for him as he gets older and can really absorb what’s going on. I want him to have a memorable and enjoyable childhood.

In other ways, it’s like calling Nanny 911 cause this mama needs a lifeline!!  

Can I just be real for a moment? There are areas of motherhood where I struggle! I need to call in the reinforcements (yes I’m putting myself on blast): 

Bed Time

Uh, what is bedtime?

My child is usually up late even on a school night! I cannot get him to go to sleep and stay asleep at a reasonable time. He usually goes to bed when I go to bed which is way too late especially for a toddler. Somebody help!!

Bedtime Playtime


Some mothers would probably cringe at the snacks Duke is allowed to eat. To be clear, he does eat fruit, vegetables, and balanced meals, but let me tell you there is certainly candy, cookies, and fruit snacks thrown in the mix! I don’t restrict him from not having these things at all but also don’t let him eat way too much of it. I grew up being able to have snacks and feel that since my mom allowed us to have them, it actually made us not go crazy with it because it was accessible and not forbidden. I am hoping it will be the same way for Duke. 

Duke’s Snacktime

Screen Time

We watch quite a bit of Cocomelon and Bebefin over here! I try to monitor it and honestly do have mom guilt over it, but let’s face it I am a working mother with a business, a husband, and a whole to-do list of errands and chores so “Cody Time” is an easy and safe way to keep Duke occupied so I can get a few things done. Please don’t judge me!

This is a bit vulnerable for me, cause it’s hard for me as a mother to admit that I don’t have it all together.

All in all, though my son has a mother who loves him and is doing the best she can so I rest in that! 

I am committed to continuing to learn and grow as a mom to get better for Duke’s sake because I of course want him to have healthy habits and to thrive. 

Help a Mama out! Drop down in the comments with any hacks and suggestions for mastering bedtime, incorporating more healthy snacks, and alternative activities for screen time for toddlers that will keep them occupied and from tearing the house up.

Also if you’re a mama who feels like you’re struggling in some area of motherhood just know that you’re not alone! Mothering is a tough job! Just commit to doing the best you can. The ultimate goal is to raise kind, generous, loving human beings who will go out into the world and do good! Hopefully, a little Cocomelon and fruit snacks along the way won’t hurt :). Drop me a line if you ever need to talk.

Until next time…


Mrs. O 

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